BMW Lease Return in Wilmington, DE

Explore Your End of Lease Options with Union Park BMW

So you’re coming to the end of your BMW lease and you’re not sure what options may be available to you. At Union Park BMW, we’re committed to making the end of lease process easier and quicker, from pre-inspection to driving off in your next new BMW!

Read on to find out about the stages of a BMW lease return and the options available to you. Please contact us in case of any questions or stop by our Wilmington BMW Lease Return Center.





1. Pre-Lease Return Inspection

The first stage of the end of lease process at our store is the pre-lease return inspection. Our team of sales professionals conduct a thorough inspection to avoid surprises and ensure you get the most value for your vehicle. This pre-inspection includes two mileage options to help save you time and money:

    • Unused Mileage Loyalty Benefit: This is designed to reward customers who have not used all of their contracted miles. A credit for unused miles will be applied to your new account, including monthly payments.
    • Mileage Adjustment Program: Over in miles? Don’t worry! The Mileage Adjustment Program allows you to buy additional miles up to one day prior to vehicle turn in at a discounted rate


2. Choose Your Next BMW

After your vehicle has been inspected and you know the value of your end of lease trade-in, you have the option to lease another BMW from us. By leasing a new ride from us, you have the opportunity to take advantage of exclusive offers you won’t find anywhere else. Plus, by coming back to us and getting in a new BMW, we waive the $350 disposition fee. Shop our selection of inventory online and visit us for a test drive.


3. Finance or Extend Your Current Lease

  • Buy your current leased BMW: Buying your car out of your lease is a good option if you love your vehicle and plan to own it. The best part of this option is that you know your vehicle and its maintenance history. If this is the option that works for you, our team will work on putting together the best financing rates for you. Contact us for more information and to get the process started.
  • Extend your lease: If you’re not sure on whether to buy your current BMW or lease another one, then you can choose to extend your lease. Lease extensions are available for up to 6 months from lease end. Schedule an appointment with us and we’ll be happy to walk through the extension options available to you.


4. Return Your Lease Hassle-Free

If you decide to return your lease BMW, the process is very simple. All you need to do is schedule a final inspection and complete the required paperwork. That’s it.

If you decide to lease or finance a BMW from us within 6 months of a lease turn-in, BMW will issue a statement credit to you for the $350 disposition fee.

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1900 Pennsylvania Ave, Wilmington, DE, 19806-4020

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Union Park BMW 39.754580, -75.565580.